About Us

What We Do

We come together, virtually, every two months to explore our Healthcare challenges by posing and discussing provocative questions and hypotheses in an effort to :

  • Address solutions at a higher, cross-silo level
  • Identify feasible, proofs of benefit under the radar, to prove disruptive value – and to learn

Inceptary is a 501(c)(3) non-profit public benefit corporation whose mission is to improve health, wellbeing and healthcare practice by leveraging digital transformation, operational and organizational innovation, and education.

What We Believe

Healthcare in the US, and in most countries – is in crisis. Per capita spending in the US is out of control, spending growth in other countries is unsustainable. Meanwhile, patients and their health outcomes seem lost in the discussion.

The solution will not come from politicians and policymakers. Current players are entrenched in status quo preservation, or act primarily to gain profitable self-advantage.

We have a bias that data, technology, and social, common-sense intelligence have seminal roles in brining transformational change to healthcare.

Diverse, apolitical, thoughtful people have experiences and ideas to be shared, debated and elaborated and can in many cases, be translated into concrete actions.


Our Goals :


  • Data and research initialize our discussions through provocative questions - and later support resulting innovative ideas for socialization and proof of benefit

Diverse Engagement

  • Collaborative discussions center on Inceptary members’ chosen provocative topics to gain insight and leverage diversity of thought, process and experience.

Transformative Concept

  • Dialectic discourse among members from multiple perspectives generates sparks of new ideas, occasionally igniting an alignment on a new approach and value.

White Paper

  • Refinement of the transformative concept by socializing with interested and concerned stakeholders in healthcare and beyond, resulting in a white paper that can be leveraged by all Inceptary members
Action Goals:

Proof of Concept

  • Interested members can come together for specific transformative ideas and create proofs of benefit with low cost, low risk, short-timeframe efforts to test / prove the key values of the concept, funded with foundation and corporate charitable contributions and government grants

The Inception

  • Metrics and value from proofs of benefits are entered into the national healthcare conversation through publishing, interviews and engaging key leaders



1. EHR 3.0

A lack of realized expected benefits from EHR implementation resulted from the exclusive focus on healthcare transactions rather than whole person well-being, and the limiting prioritization on capturing data that drive medical claim payments. Doctors now spend less time with their patients and/or do data entry on their own time. Meanwhile, most patients have gained little or no accessible value from the EHR. We have architected a new class of EHRs with patient archetype wellness plans and “wrappers” for existing EHR implementations. Included are new approaches to EHR and other clinical technology adoption challenges.

2. Hospital Anywhere

Hospital at home has been in our vocabulary for at least 5-10 years. Covid has caused a rapid adoption of telehealth services and remote monitoring, building on practices established in rural areas. By turning our healthcare model upside down, we have generated a prospective solution in decentralizing critical health, even down to the home with a secure, private, communication-enabled, modular plug and play, hospital-anywhere infrastructure.


1. Rural Community-Led Health Project

Health and access to healthcare is a burning concern in sparsely populated rural areas of the US. Our goal is to support a community on their own determined priority actions to address causal health and health related concerns. We believe we can prove better health at lower cost co-creating innovative solutions by adding data, technology, and resources that leverage the community’s knowledge and energy. View Inceptary's point of view here .


Interested change-oriented leaders are invited to apply. Membership is free, with a commitment to participate and further the goals of healthcare transformation. Our members come from every function and process in healthcare, and as well from different industries, politics, and countries.




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